Chandan Saha

Data Science Enthusiast , Wanderer

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I am a master's student studying data science at Rutgers University , The State University of New Jersey. My commitment is to solve worthwhile practical problems. As a data scientist my expertise is the modeling process: design, data wrangling, feature engineering, model selection, and deployment.

Chandan Saha's blog

Real-time traffic sign classification Project

In this post , I will go over some details about my final project on image classification and deep learning.

December 28, 2016 - Machine Learning, Project, Deep Learning, Image Classification

How to display a legend outside a R plot

If you still don’t use ggplot2 or, as I do, have to use the old and finicky plot() function, read on to discover a trick I use to display a legend outside the plotting area.

April 30, 2016 - how-to, R